Morning all. I've been working some long hours on this game to get it ready for an August beta launch and it's about 90% of the way there. Just got to complete the spell system , add some armour and polish up some of the special effects , then balance the game and we're done!
Here's a link to some more battle footage and another game screenshot. I hope to tidy up the game a bit more before release!
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A lot of people have been asking various things about the game so I thought I'd list some answers - bear in mind nothing is set in stone.
Q) Is the game multiplayer ?
A) Yes it is multiplayer , with plans to make a downloadable single player campaign at some point soon.
Q) Will the game be free ?
A) Yes and no - there will be a free version available for everyone to play. As there is big bandwidth, smartfox server and database costs , there's going to be several other modes available to support the cost of the game. You wouldn't believe how expensive these things can be to develop.
I haven't worked out the details yet, but rest assured , there will always be a free version to bash each other up in, but it will probably be limited by level cap, less arenas to fight in, less weapons etc.
Q) Can I be a beta tester?
A) Sure , the beta will be up on my website in August . You'll need to be a member but it's a free signup - I'm limiting it to members as a lot of database stuff gets saved when you create/save your character.
Q) Why do you always release demos, nobody would ever buy a flash game!
A) You'd be surprised how many people do. There's a whole industry based on casual games. These things take many months to make and banner advertising and mochiads don't support any but the biggest games. For the rest of us, making a larger version for sale is the way we make a living. So please, enjoy the game but don't bother posting about how its a demo and it sucks, I don't need to hear that. I encourage any other flash developers to do the same thing !
Anyway, enough rambling from me. Enjoy the video!
Cheers all, Oliver.