Hi all,
Swords and Sandals 3 marches on - I've just finished the build of the shop system. Pretty different from the previous version, all weapons and armour are now randomly generated.
Swords & Sandals 3 - Weapons Shop
I built a nice little weapon prefix-suffix generator that allows for a huge variety of weapons ala "Diablo", "Warcraft" etc, meaning you can have "Demonic Chainsaw of Frost" which adds to your strength and also gives you extra cold damage ... and so on. End up with some pretty interesting results.
The weapons you see in the video are pretty high level, meaning most items you'll see in the shop early on will be simply "Axe", "Two Hand Sword". Sneak preview I guess, haha.
I've also started work on the inventory system - it's a paperdoll, so you can just drag weapons from your inventory to the character and vice versa.
Cheers, Ol
The blacksmith really needs a better look. Seriously, the game is great, just the muscles and stuff look really exaggerated.
I just chucked the old blacksmith from Swords & Sandals 2 in there as a placeholder... he's going to be replaced. Yeah, true he was a bit of a steroid junkie but I was fond of him, Hulk Hogan's older brother...