Morning all ! Congratulations to our American friends on a) the addition of Barack to the Whitehouse and b) the subraction of Dubya from the Whitehouse! I watched the speech live here in Sydney at 3.30am ... powerful and inspiring stuff.
Here's a game I've been sitting on for the last 18 months... I ended up shelving it for quite a while while I build Swords & Sandals Crusader and Swords & Sandals III ... in recent weeks I've come back to it just to finish it off ... introducing "Get Off My Planet"
You'll notice the title screen features a character who looks suspiciously like Barack Obama... this is of course , a bit gratiutious of me but also , a bit of fun given I'm releasing the game today. Hell, who's to say Obama couldn't conquer the stars anyway. The whole presidential thing actually came about from the title, it's a pun on Harrison Ford's famous line in the movie "Air Force One".
Anyway, check out the game , it's a variation on the Tower Defence and City Building genres, it can be quite punishing but in my mind it's a lot of fun.
I usually get a lot of grief here on Newgrounds for not releasing free games - this one is 100% free, no demo, nothing. Have fun with it.
Next up , I'm really not sure. I think it will be another Swords and Sandals game but this will be quite different from the last few... no doubt it's also probably a year away :)
I welcome your thoughts! Cheers all!
What better way to celebrate anything than by blasting aliens!